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Faveod Designer®

A new era
for industrial software development.

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The unique technology Faveod Designer® produces enterprise-grade software that is 100% yours, in real-time, fully optimized.

In a collaborative Web interface, business users formalize their needs without functional  fonctionnelle, developers design software without technical limitations.


Teams can manage projects in an agile manner and have access to analysis and compliance tools.

Empowering our customers and users thanks to complete software freedom: That’s Faveod's promise fulfilled since 2007.


deployed products

For big players in all sectors of industry, public administrations


certified developers

within the main digital service companies and our specialized partners Faveod



Average daily source code production among all Faveod Designer’s users

Faveod Designer: for what type of projects ?













Launch your project

Realization of
your software

Reach new heights.

You focus on the design and let the technology Faveod Designer produces in real time a complete source code, perfectly adapted to your needs.

A single reference frame for the entire project team

Faveod Designer allows business managers to specify their needs in the Storyboard module, in an intuitive and totally free way. At any time, each developer can see each element of the requirement formalization produced by the others. The matching software is updated instantly, with no possible code conflicts. Fewer repetitive tasks and a facilitated process: tightened and re-motivated teams for a greater efficiency! 

Simplification of the development

Developers design the requested software along the axes Model, View and Controller via the Web interface. With Faveod Designer you model your project formally, down to the finest level. Each modification is versioned. The result is visible in real time by everyone in the tab of the produced software.

Exceptional functional coverage

By default, Faveod Designer offers multiple features and modules that can be customized by developers for a fully customized implementation in the produced software. In a few clicks, you can create advanced data visualization (BI, GIS...), customize your data import/export tools and also manage user profiles or multilingualism.

Integrated management of performance and security

To have a high-quality software, you should ideally check for each line of code a number of criteria in terms of performance and security, but also compatibility and reliability... This is rarely done by hand or in a very partial way. The main checking rules of these criteria are available in Faveod Designer. All the source code benefits from them implicitly. Eventual corrections are easy and quick to implement, with no risk of regression.

A considerable reduction of the technical debt

As a software development project progresses, It is inevitable that errors occur in the source code. With Faveod Designer, the automatically produced code is consistent no matter what part is updated. So you are assured of a strong and permanent software quality. Evolutions, including the most structural ones, are done in the shortest possible time, avoiding technical debt.


The solution to ride on the technological waves

New languages and technological advances are multiplying. Faveod Designer is updated regularly to keep you up to date today and tomorrow.
Whether you need to implement a modification, radically change the language or replace an obsolete or unsuitable technology, our solution allows you to update all the technical elements directly, instantly and consistently to produce the software according to the new requirements.

Quality of the
produced software

At the leading edge, under all circumstances.

You benefit from the latest practices and technological advances made available free of charge: your teams can expand them at any time.

in the model

Free yourself from constraints.

You can choose who you work with, what technologies and principles you rely on. And your projects become financial assets.

Tools that match your processes

Having to adapt your processes to the software and not the other way around is unpleasant and counterproductive. Faveod Designer complies with all your requirements. Standards are respected on the client side (accessibility, legacy browsers) and on the server side (all OS, all databases, no Faveod-specific elements). Any Web software is pixel-perfect thanks to Faveod Designer. Feel free to innovate.

Software that is 100% yours

With Faveod, it's the end of projects that lock you in technically, legally and financially. The produced source code contains no proprietary elements, no runtime. This makes deployment easier. Ideal for SOA or micro-service projects, it can also be integrated with any standard or specific middleware on the market without adding proprietary technology. It doesn't matter how many users, how many deployments or how much data you have. The result is 100% yours, it is a recorded asset in your company's balance sheet.

Unprecedented maintenance and evolution possibilities

IT projects are more and more at the heart of critical industrial processes. However, software is rarely maintainable over time because the source code has not been documented or has been poorly documented. Software produced with Faveod Designer benefits from exhaustive documentation for each method/function of the code. It is therefore possible to make your software evolve in a very easy way, even by teams that did not work on the initial project.

Eco-responsible software products

The speed and efficiency of Faveod-made software make them among the best Green IT solutions, offering total user satisfaction and sustainable savings. The levels of performance and optimization in resource management fully participate in corporate social responsibility (CSR) objectives. For example, a 80% reduction in machine resource requirements can be seen during operation, and the risk of technical obsolescence is eliminated thanks to the technological agnosticity.

An opportunity to renovate existing IT systems

Faveod Designer can import and export UML, but also analyze the structure of an existing application and reformulate it automatically. The formalization of the requirement is conventional, logical and quickly understandable, so that the work can be easily shared within the team. It also promotes the industrialization of development processes. This allows you to quickly transform old, costly and critical projects into state-of-the-art projects that generate value for all stakeholders.

Control of the total cost of ownership / TCO

Don't find out too late that your IT project is much more expensive than expected and doesn't meet the deadline. Faveod Designer's development efficiency and application quality guarantee a timely return on investment for your projects: your total cost of ownership (TCO) is reduced to record levels and in total independence. No more recurring licenses that cost you money with each use.

Sustainability of your

Choose eternity.

You have resource-efficient software throughout their lifecycle and a sustainable and responsible solution to support the necessary transformations of your information system.

trust us

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